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Order no: 60145353
Publication: Daily Journal
Start Date: 02/04/2025
Expires: 02/11/2025

Legal Advertisement
Community School
Request for Proposal
Chromebook Purchase

The purpose of this
document is to provide the
vendor with enough infor-
mation to quote fixed
prices for equipment and
A total of 1,701 Chro-
mebooks are requested.
All prices will include de-
livery to Clark-Pleasant
Community School Corpo-
ration, 50 Center Street,
Whiteland, IN 46184.
Quotes will be received
via email by the Chief Fi-
nancial Officer on or be-
fore 10:00 a.m. local time
on Friday, February 28,
2025. Please use the sub-
ject line CPCSC Chro-
mebook Quote 2025. A
public bid opening meet-
ing will be held on Friday,
February 28, 2025 at
10:00 a.m. local time. The
bid opening meeting will
be held at the
Clark-Pleasant Adminis-
tration Building Board
Room, located at 50 Cen-
ter Street, Whiteland, IN
All quotes must be ad-
dressed to:

Austin Fruits, Chief
Financial Officer
Community School
50 Center Street
Whiteland, IN 46184
Quotes can be emailed to
Austin Fruits,
Chief Financial Officer,

Please use the subject
line CPCSC Chromebook
Quote 2025.
Quotes received after
this date and time will not
be considered for bid.
Vendor to quote only
brand new (no refur-
bished) Chromebooks.
Be certain to quote on
the exact quantity, ser-
vices, and other items
specified. NO SUBSTI-
The school corporation
is tax exempt and as such
will not pay any sales, use
or property tax. Tax ex-
emption certificate availa-
ble upon request.
Delivery charges must
be included.
All proposals submitted
shall remain firm for a pe-
riod of ninety (90) days of
The vendor shall in-
clude warranty information
for all equipment offered
with the proposal.
For the purpose of as-
suring the Clark-Pleasant
Community School Corpo-
ration of the quality of
workmanship, materials,
equipment and service,
the school corporation will
retain the right to qualify or
disqualify vendors on the
basis of available informa-
tion covering their service
and the suitability of their
quotes for the project.
The following informa-
tion must be included with
each quote:

description of the com-
pany location and the
number of years in busi-
description of experience
for similar projects.
a list of not less than
three (3) references for
similar projects performed.

All equipment and serv-
ice as specified herein will
be made by a reputable
experienced company and
shall conform to the speci-
The school corporation
reserves the right to ac-
cept or reject any quotes,
or part thereof, and to
award the contract to
other than the low quotes.
The quotes will be con-
sidered and awarded not
solely on price, but also in
conjunction with specifica-
tions and evaluation of ref-
erences. All vendors will
be advised on the decision
as soon as the quotes
have been awarded by the
school corporation.
Vendors shall furnish
the school corporation
with brochures, documen-
tation and specification
sheets, if requested.
Award will be made to
one or more vendors
whose proposal is deter-
mined in writing to be the
most advantageous to the
school corporation, taking
into consideration price
and other evaluation fac-
tors set forth in the specifi-
cations, lowest responsi-
ble and responsive ven-
The school corporation
reserves the right to reject
any or all quotes and/or at
its discretion allow for the
correction or withdrawal of
inadvertently erroneous
quotes before or after a
bid award.
The contract shall be
deemed to have been
awarded when a purchase
order for designated ser-
vices has been issued by
the school corporation offi-
cial who is authorized to
issue orders.
Any quote may be re-
jected if it contains any al-
terations or erasures with-
out being properly initialed
by the person submitting
the bid.
The vendor shall file
and invoice upon accept-
ance of services, payment
will be made within
forty-five (45) days.
Questions regarding
specifications should be
directed to Brandan
Wright via email
with the subject line of
Chromebook Quote 2025
Instructions to All Ven-

Read all the general con-
ditions carefully before
submitting your quote to
be certain that you com-
pletely understand all re-

Unit cost and exten-
sions should be verified
and thoroughly checked
before submitting your
quote. If an error is made
on the unit pricing, the
school corporation cannot
accept any responsibility.
It is assumed that the pric-
ing submitted is the price
you will honor. Therefore
you will be legally held to
this price.
The Quote Proposal
Forms must be completed,
properly signed and re-
turned with your quote.
All packing slips and in-
voices must reference the
purchase order number
assigned to any items
awarded to your company.
Also, any back orders
must be noted on invoices
The school corporation
will not be responsible for
any deliveries that are not
signed for by an author-
ized employee or em-
ployee of the school's
technology managed ser-
vices provider
The school corporation
reserves the right to reject
any or all quotes and to
make an award deemed to
be in its best interests.
Required Quote - Qty
Dell 3110 N4500 Chro-
mebook 11 Touchscreen
Clamshell, No HDMI Port
Intel Processor, 4GB
Dell Order Code
Required Quote - Qty
Google Device License.
Required Quote - Qty
Rugged Hardshell Case
11 - Black for Dell 3110
Required Quote - Qty
White glove service.
Required Quote - Qty
4 Year Accidental Pro-
tection, per device, unlim-
ited repairs. 3 Year Bat-
tery Warranty. Shipping is
paid by the vendor both
ways. Provide spare parts
All quotes should in-
clude detailed line items
and subtotals along with
the total purchase price.

60145353 hspaxlp
(J) 02-04-11-2025

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