Legal Advertisement NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby
Notices : Legals
Order no: | 60144654 |
Publication: | Daily Journal |
Start Date: | 01/10/2025 |
Expires: | 01/17/2025 |
Legal Advertisement
Notice is hereby given
that the Board of County
Commissioners of John-
son County, Indiana, in
session at the Johnson
County Courthouse Annex
in Franklin, Indiana will re-
ceive sealed bids (to be
filed in the Auditor's Of-
fice) for the 2025 Mill and
Overlay Project until the
hour of 10:00 A.M. local
time on January 27, 2025.
The work to be performed
is described in the specifi-
All Bidders must be
pre-qualified by the Indi-
ana Department of Trans-
Specifications, Instruc-
tions to Bidders and Bid
Forms may be obtained at
the office of the Johnson
County Auditor, Court-
house Annex, 86 W. Court
Street, Franklin, Indiana,
46131, between the hours
of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30
P.M. Monday through Fri-
Bids shall be submitted
on State Board of Ac-
counts Form #96 along
with a properly signed Affi-
davit of Non-Collusion. A
10% bid bond or certified
check will be required with
the bid and shall be made
payable to the Johnson
County Board of Commis-
sioners. A performance
bond equal to the contract
price and a payment bond
to insure the payment of
subcontractors, material
suppliers, contract labor-
ers and persons furnishing
services will be required
upon award of contract.
No bid may be with-
drawn after the scheduled
time for opening bids with-
out the written consent of
the Board of County Com-
missioners for a period of
30 days. The Board re-
serves the right to reject
any or all bids and to
waive any or all irregulari-
ties in any or all bids.
Elizabeth A. Alvey
Johnson County Auditor
60144654 hspaxlp
(J) 01-10-17-2025