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Order no: 60144576
Publication: Daily Journal
Start Date: 01/10/2025
Expires: 01/17/2025

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Amended 2025 Street
Improvement Program

The Town of
Bargersville, Indiana will
receive bids for the 2025
Street Improvement Pro-
gram Project, all in ac-
cordance with the Con-
tract Documents, Con-
struction Schedule, and
Specifications. Bids will be
received until 2:00 pm,
January 30th, 2025, at the
Office of the Clerk- Treas-
urer, Bargersville Town
Hall, 24 N Main St.,
Bargersville, Indiana at
which time all bids will be
publicly opened and read
aloud. Bids received after
that time will be returned
unopened. Bids will be re-
ceived at the Office of the
Clerk-Treasurer during
normal business hours
7:30 am to 4:30 pm, local
time. All bids will be pub-
licly opened and read
aloud in the Town Hall
Boardroom at or just after
2:00 pm, local time, on
January 30th, 2025.

The project shall include
asphalt milling and over-
lay, asphalt patching,
curb, curb ramps, side-
walk, maintenance of traf-
fic and other related inci-
dental work as well as the
full depth roadway re-
placement of West Street
from Old S St to W Harri-
man Ave. The West Street
portion of the project will
include chemical modifi-
cation of the soils (slurry
specified). The new road-
way will have combined
curb and gutter as well as
a six-foot concrete path
along the east side of
West Street. West Street
will also include the con-
struction of new storm
sewer, watermain, and
sanitary sewer infrastruc-
ture. All work is specified
in the Construction Sched-
ule and Specifications for
said project.

Contract Documents will
be on file no later than
January 10th, 2025 and
may be examined at the
following locations:

Town of Bargersville
24 N Main St.
Bargersville, IN 46106
317.422.5117 (Fax)

Crossroad Engineers,
115 N. 17th Avenue
Beech Grove, IN 46107
317.780.6525 (Fax)
Attn: Dax Norton

Contract Documents may
be purchased from Cross-
Road Engineers, P.C.,
115 N 17th Ave, Beech
Grove, IN 46107. A
$100.00 non-refundable
charge will be required.

The Proposal must be
made on the forms pro-
vided in the Contract Doc-
uments. Each bid shall be
accompanied by a
cashier's or certified
check, drawn on an ac-
ceptable bank, or an ac-
ceptable bidder's bond, in
an amount not less than
five percent (5%) of the to-
tal amount of the bid, pay-
able to the Town of
Bargersville, Indiana.

The Town of Bargersville,
Indiana will hold a
non-mandatory pre-bid
meeting for the referenced
project on J anuary 21st,
at 9:00 a.m
., this meeting
will be held in the board-
room at Town Hall. If you
would like to attend virtu-
ally then please when
picking up plans please
provide contact informa-
tion for an invite to be sent
to a representative for at-

The bidder to whom a
contract for work is
awarded will be required
to furnish a Performance
and Payment Bond exe-
cuted on the specified
forms and acceptable to
the Town, in the amount of
one hundred percent
(100%) of the Contract.

The bidder must supply all
the information required
by the bid proposal form.
Partial payment will be
made monthly based on
an approved payment re-
quest. The Contractor and
all subcontractors will be
required to comply with re-
quired Federal and State
labor regulations including
Equal Employment Oppor-
tunity, Non-segregated
Facilities, and Affirmative
Action requirements.

The Town of Bargersville,
Indiana, reserves the right
to reject any and all pro-
posals or parts there-of
and to waive all responsi-
bility for irregularities in
bids. Bids may be held by
the Town of Bargersville,
Indiana, for a period of not
to exceed sixty (60) days
from the date of the open-
ing of the bids for the pur-
pose of reviewing the bids
and the investigation of
the qualifications of bid-
ders, prior to awarding of
the Contract.

Authorized By:
60144576 hspaxlp
(J) 01-10-17-2025

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