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Order no: 60144458
Publication: Daily Journal
Start Date: 01/10/2025
Expires: 01/17/2025

Legal Advertisement
I.C. 5-16-13-1, effective
July 1, 2015

Sealed Bids for the
2025 Maintenance Im-
provement Program; As-
phalt Milling, Patching,
and Resurfacing Project
for the City of Franklin, In-
diana (herein called the
CITY) will be received at
City Hall, 70 East Monroe
Street, Franklin, Indiana
until Monday, January 27,
2025 at 2:00 PM (local
time). Any Bids received
later than the above time
will be returned unopened.
All Bids will be publicly
opened and read aloud at
that time.

The work shall include
asphalt milling, hot mix as-
phalt patching, hot mix as-
phalt resurfacing, and all
other necessary roadway
restorations as included in
the Bid Documents and

Bids shall be properly
and completely executed
on a State Board of Ac-
counts Form 96 (Revised
2013). Each Bid shall be
accompanied by the
Contractor's Bid Attach-
ment (included with the
Contract Specifications) to
Form 96, a Financial
Statement (completely
filled out and signed) and
a bid security in the form
of an acceptable certified
check payable to the CITY
or an acceptable Bidder's
bond, in an amount of not
less than 5% of the total
bid price, in accordance
with the Contract Specifi-

The Contract will be
awarded in accordance
with the provisions of IC
5-16-13 for public works
projects awarded after
June 30, 2015. Pursuant
to IC 5-16-13-7, the provi-
sions of the law are incor-
porated by reference and
Contractor agrees that
pursuant to IC 5-16-13-8,
the public work project will
not be structured other
than in the Contractor tier
structure required by law.
Contractor shall further be
required to comply with
the provisions of IC
5-16-13-13; 14 in all re-
spects including but not
limited to document pres-
ervation and availability for

A conditional or quali-
fied bid will not be ac-
cepted. Award will be
made to the low, respon-
sive, responsible bidder,
including but not limited to,
the provisions and defini-
tions referenced in IC
5-16-13 and IC 5-16-14.

In accordance with IC
22-5-1.7-11.1, Contractors
entering into a contract
with the CITY will be re-
quired to enroll in and ver-
ify the work eligibility sta-
tus of all newly hired em-
ployees through the
E-Verify program. In ac-
cordance with IC
5-22-16.5, Contractors en-
tering into a contract with
the CITY will be required
to provide an Indiana Iran
Investment Certification. In
accordance with IC
36-1-12-24, Contractors
and Subcontractors shall
be required to drug test its
employees when the cost
of the Public Works proj-
ect is greater than
$150,000.00. Additionally,
Contractor will be required
to execute an Affidavit cer-
tifying compliance with the
law in the form included in
the Bid Documents and

The CITY reserves the
right to waive any infor-
malities or minor defects
in bids or bidding proce-
dure, or to reject any and
all bids, or to accept the
bid from the lowest most
responsible and respon-
sive bidder as exclusively
determined by the CITY.
Any bid may be withdrawn
by written request prior to
the above scheduled time
for the opening of bids or
authorized postponement
thereof. No Bidder may
withdraw a bid within 60
days after the actual date
of the opening thereof.
Should there be reasons
why the contract cannot
be awarded within the
specified period, the time
may be extended by mu-
tual agreement between
the CITY and the Bidder
determined by the CITY to
be the lowest most re-
sponsible and responsive.

Submission of a signed
Bid by the Bidder consti-
tutes acknowledgment of
and acceptance of all the
documents and terms and
conditions of the
Contractual-Legal Re-
quirements and Technical
Sections in the Bid Docu-
ments and Specifications.

The Contractor to
whom the work is awarded
will be required to furnish
an acceptable Perfor-
mance and Payment Bond
each in the amount of
100% of the contract price
and must be in full force
and effect throughout the
term of the Construction
Contract plus a period of
twelve (12) months from
the date of final payment.

The Contractor to
whom the work is awarded
will be required to pur-
chase and maintain insur-
ance coverage as de-
scribed in the Bid Docu-
ments on an "occurrence
basis" and in accordance
with the insurance require-
ments and hold harmless
provisions of the City of
Franklin as identified in
the bid documents. Addi-
tionally, all Contractors
(including Tier Contrac-
tors) shall be required to
comply with IC 5-16-13-9
through 12. A copy of the
proposed Contract is in-
cluded in the Bid Docu-
ments and Specifications.

Copies of the Bid Docu-
ments and Specifications
will be available from the
Department of Planning
and Engineering at 70
East Monroe Street Frank-
lin, Indiana 46131 beginn-
ing at noon Friday, Janu-
ary 10, 2025. Copies of
the Bid Documents may
be sent by electronic mail
upon written request to the
Assistant City Engineer at
the address listed above,
or by email to
A Pre-Bid Conference will
not be held for this project;
however, questions may
be directed to the Assis-
tant City Engineer and re-
sponses to each question
received will be provided
to all plan holders of rec-
ord no later than 48 hours
prior to the bid opening
date and time. All ques-
tions must be submitted in
writing via letter or email.
Responses to questions
made by telephone will not
be provided. Award of a
contract for the work is an-
ticipated to be made by
the Franklin Board of Pub-
lic Works & Safety at its
regularly scheduled meet-
ing on Monday, February
3, 2025.

Matt A. McElroy,
Assistant City Engineer
60144458 hspaxlp
(J) 01-10-17-2025

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